Blue Bottle
"One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.” -Henry Miller
Street Photography
The Piano Player
Addeo & Sons
Post No Bills
Grand Central Afternoon
Contemplation on a Snowy Afternoon
Capturing the "Snowpocalypse" with the Fuji X100
Monday's blizzard was supposed to be an historic event, according to New York City's Mayor De Blasio. While the snowfall didn't set any records, there was quite a bit of wintry weather through the evening. With a travel ban issued across the city, the streets were mostly free of cars, so I set out with my Fuji X100 (in a ziplock bag) to explore the neighborhood.
Into the Void Williamsburg Pier Fuji X100, f/2, 1/80, ISO 3200 |
The Lone Food Truck Fuji X100, f/2, 1/105, ISO 3200 |
La Esquina Fuji X100, F/2, 1/170, ISO 1600 |
With a travel ban in effect, all taxis had to be off the roads. Fuji X100, f/2, 1/30, ISO 1600 |
Blow, winds... Fuji X100, f/2, 1/50, ISO 3200 |
S. 6th Street at 4am Fuji X100, f/2, 1/40, 1600 |
The Great Dubini
Preview: First Photoshoot with the Fuji X-T1
Nine Inch Nails at Jones Beach
Nine Inch Nails at Jones Beach August 1, 2014 |
Nine Inch Nails rocked Jones Beach on August 1st. Touring this summer with Soundgarden, NIN put on a spectacular, high-energy performance, supported by stunning visuals onstage. I took a handful of photos of the show, which are featured on the Nine Inch Nails blog today.
It's hard for me to believe that I first saw Nine Inch Nails in concert twenty years ago, and I was thoroughly impressed by the performance - this concert was one of the best and most seamless shows I've ever seen.
I was at this show purely as a fan, attending with my friend, Jon Morris of The Windmill Factory, who worked on directing and choreographing the moving visuals for the tour. I did, however, decide to bring my Canon Eos-M with my 22mm pancake lens (which is essentially my point-and-shoot setup these days), and I took a few photos - the concert just looked too good not too.
To see the rest of my photos from the concert, click here.
Exploring Bushwick
Bushwick Joker, Fuji X100, NYC, 2014 |
Even though I have lived in Williamsburg for the past couple of years, I really haven't taken the time to explore much of Bushwick. I've been to parties and other events in the neighborhood, but each time I've just gone to that event and then straight home. So, on Saturday I went on a photowalk to finally explore Bushwick (along with the outskirts of Williamsburg, East Williamsburg and surrounding areas).
Fuji X100, NYC, 2014 |
Exploring the edges of gentrification was pretty easy - a quick google search for tattoo parlors, coffee shops, along with keeping my eye out for graffiti murals led me to the center of all the hipster areas.
Fuji X100, NYC, 2014 |
Fuji X100, NYC, 2014 |
Fuji X100, NYC, 2014 |
Fuji X100, NYC, 2014 |
Green space is essentially non-existent, particularly along the stretch between East Williamsburg and Bushwick on Morgan Avenue. Instead, concrete and warehouses abound, with any open space dedicated to industrial use, as seen above.
Fuji X100, NYC, 2014 |
Like a lot of trendy neighborhoods in Brooklyn, the heart of Bushwick is a mix of various ethnic areas, infiltrated by enclaves of hipsters who've recently moved into the neighborhood.
110. Bushwick Car Service
109. Super Hero
96. Tailor